Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Gossip from the Fair

Jack Tilton was showing this monstrosity by Xiang Jing, rapidly becoming the hottest female artist in China. Her work is owned by Saatchi who will be including it in his opening show of his new gallery in London in October. People kept coming over to take photos in front of this work, titled Virgin. But I am not sure if Jack is going to find takers, especially with a price tag of $750,000. "We're banking on it," he told me.
Meanwhile, dealer Urs Meile encountered censors just prior to the opening, taking away a work by Li Zhanguang which the patrol found too explicit. It wasn't but the booth left the empty pedestal exposed, in lieu of the sculpture valued at 30,000 euros. "We will get it back, of course," says Meile, who was less than amused.

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